Tag: Ruby On Rails

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Ruby on Rails – Part 1: Hello World

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Ruby on Rails Intensive 1-Day Course Part 1 - Hello World Web Apps anatomy 101, Model-View-Controller 101, Rails 101, deconstructing Hello World in Rails. This is an intensive one-day overview of the fundamenta...

Ruby on Rails – Part 2: Just Enough Ruby

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Ruby on Rails Intensive 1-Day Course Part 2: Just Enough Ruby object orientation, naming conventions, mixins and modules (a/k/a multiple inheritance done right), iterators and generators. This is an intensive...

Ruby on Rails – Part 3: Basic Rails

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Ruby on Rails Intensive 1-Day Course Part 3: Basic Rails ActiveRecord, ActionController, ActionView: validation, model lifecycle, controller actions and the session, filters, forms and parameters, page layouts and...

Ruby on Rails – Part 5: AJAX and Testing

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Ruby on Rails Intensive 1-Day Course Part 5: AJAX and Testing Deployment and Lifecycle Management: Automating deployment, schema migrations, configuration, debugging, benchmarking This is an intensive one-day o...

Ruby on Rails – Part 4: Advanced Active Record

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Ruby on Rails Intensive 1-Day Course Part 4: Advanced Active Record Multi-table associations, embedding data structures, single-table inheritance... Controller tricks, View tricks, and testing: scaffolding, authen...

Ruby on Rails – Part 6: Configuration and Deploy

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Ruby on Rails Intensive 1-Day Course Part 6: Configuration and Deploy This is an intensive one-day overview of the fundamental concepts of the Ruby on Rails Web programming framework, presented by the UC Berkeley ...

Using Sublime Text 2 with Ruby on Rails

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An introduction to Sublime Text 2 from the perspective of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial (railstutorial.org Setup instructions: github.com

Ruby on Rails screencast for beginners – 1

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This is Ruby on Rails tutorial for absolute beginners. It is the first in the series.

Ruby on Rails – Part 4: Advanced Active Record

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Ruby on Rails Intensive 1-Day Course Part 4: Advanced Active Record Multi-table associations, embedding data structures, single-table inheritance... Controller tricks, View tricks, and testing: scaffolding, authentica...

Ruby on Rails demo

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David Heinemeier Hansson, the creator of the Ruby on Rails web development framework demonstrates how to create a blog engine in 15 minutes.

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